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hpr1060 :: OggCamp12 Farewell

The final batch of interviews from OggCamp 2012

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Friday, 2012-08-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
oggcamp, oggcamp12. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:51:48
Download the transcription and subtitles.


A Free Culture Unconference

I was leaving my hotel room after the end of OggCamp, thinking to myself I had enough interviews recorded and something made me go back and get my recorders. I'm glad I did as I bagged some fantastic interviews.

The first one was with Rebecca Newborough web mistress of the Lincoln LUG on how to start a LUG. The first step is to visit the UK Linux User Groups site at

We all went to the Leaf venue for food and conversation, while there I interviewed a few gentlemen starting with Kris Findlay about changes at his LUG and his work at Krisilis IT Solutions
Raspberry Pi GPIO Demo

Introduction to Raspberry Pi and GPIO from Kris Findlay

Video on youtube (should also play after slide 14 on slideshare)
The Software Society

Then we had a chat with Ian Closs over from Ireland. We discussed the local FLOSS scene, Mark Shuttleworth who will be attending SkyCon and Archeology.

To round it all off a long round up with Fabian A. Scherschel who true to his word gave me an interview for HPR. Of course he is still on record to submit a show to HPR himself.

You might think that's the end of OggCamp but I still have shows from last year to post :)


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