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hpr1054 :: Becky Hogge: Barefoot into Cyberspace

An interview with journalist and author Becky Hogge

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Hosted by Robin Catling on Thursday, 2012-08-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Full Circle Podcast, interview. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:37:58
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Hello world. Welcome to the Full Circle Podcast on Hacker Public Radio. This episode consists of an interview with journalist and author Becky Hogge.

Her book, Barefoot into Cyberspace: Adventures in Search of Techno Utopia came out last year around the time of the extradition case surrounding Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. The book explores modern technology and society through activism and journalism, covering the hacker counter-culture, from Stallman and Lessig, the Chaos Club to WikiLeaks Julian Assange and Rop Gonggrijp.

“I think most of what were fighting still today in the world is incompetence. Most of what we’re fighting is stupidity, and maybe a little bit of opportunism. There is also the ominous, control-seeking large corporate interests.”

“We come in peace. We’re not called Chaos Computer Club because we cause chaos. If anything, a lot of our collective work has actually prevented chaos by pointing out that maybe we should lay some decent virtual foundations before we build any more virtual skyscrapers.”

Barefoot into Cyberspace: Adventures in Search of Techno-Utopia by Becky Hogge, illustrated by Christopher Scally ISBN 978-1-906110-50-5 (print) | 978-1-906110-51-2 (Kindle)

The Full Circle Podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community. Find us at

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Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard

Runtime: 37mins 58seconds


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