hpr1050 :: TGTM Newscast for 2012/8/8 DeepGeek
A newscast from Talk Geek to Me
Hosted by Tgtm News Team on Thursday, 2012-08-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Talk Geek to me News.
Here is a news review:
- Stein and Honkala arrested in protest of foreclosure giant Fannie Mae
- Former Florida GOP Leader: Party Openly Discussed Suppressing African-American Vote
- Judge Rejects Bid by Manning Lawyers to Cite Evidence Leak Caused No Harm
- Too Young To Know
- Correa in the catbird seat
- Open Source Developer Bassel Khartabil Detained in Syria
- Megaupload Search Warrants Ruled Illegal by High Court
- Congress Plays See-No-Evil, Pretend-There's-No-Evil, Let-The-Evil-Continue With NSA Domestic Spying
- You Don't Own What You Buy, Part 15,332: Cisco Forces Questionable New Firmware On Routers
- Why there are Datacenters in NY, Hong Kong, and Tokyo?
Other Headlines:
- EFF Challenges National Security Letter Statute in Landmark Lawsuit
- Medicaid expansion will boost Washington state’s economy
- Iceland's government warns of Wikileaks vendetta Grand jury investigation underway
- Evidence of a US judicial vendetta against WikiLeaks activists mounts
- Assange, Ecuador, Rape, and Sweden
- https://www.jillstein.org/stein_and_honkala_arrested
- https://www.democracynow.org/2012/8/1/headlines#817
- https://www.democracynow.org/2012/7/20/headlines#7206
- https://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/2012/08/02/too-young-to-know/
- https://wlcentral.org/node/2693
- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/07/open-source-developer-bassel-khartabil-detained-syria
- https://torrentfreak.com/megaupload-search-warrants-ruled-illegal-by-high-court-120628/
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120702/03412919549/congress-plays-see-no-evil-pretend-theres-no-evil-let-the-evil-continue-with-nsa-domestic-spying.shtml
- https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20120629/15451719541/you-dont-own-what-you-buy-part-15332-cisco-forces-questionable-new-firmware-routers.shtml
- https://perspectives.mvdirona.com/2012/07/13/WhyThereAreDatacentersInNYHongKongAndTokyo.aspx
- https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/07/eff-challenges-national-security-letter-statute-landmark-lawsuit
- https://www.thestand.org/2012/07/medicaid-expansion-will-boost-our-states-economy/
- https://news.techeye.net/internet/icelands-government-warns-of-wikileaks-vendetta
- https://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/jul/03/evidence-us-judicial-vendetta-wikileaks-activists-mounts
- https://swartz.typepad.com/texplorer/2012/06/assange-ecuador-rape-and-sweden-1.html
News from "techdirt.com," "perspectives.mvdirona.com," and "maggiemcneill.wordpress.com" used under arranged permission. News from "torrentfreak.com" and "eff.org" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution license. News from "democracynow.org" and "wlcentral.org" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution non-commercial no-derivatives license. News from "jillstein.org" is a press release. News Sources retain their respective copyrights.