hpr1049 :: OGG Camp 11: Laura Czajowksi, Life Outside of IRC in a FLOSS Community
Fifth in a series of OggCamp 11 highlights from the Full Circle Podcast
Hosted by Robin Catling on Thursday, 2012-08-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
OggCamp, Full Circle Podcast, IRC.
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Duration: 00:17:34
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welcome to the Full Circle Podcast on Hacker Public Radio. This is the fifth, if I'm counting correctly, of our highlights of last Summers unconference, OGG Camp eleven, held at Farnham Maltings in the South of England.
This show is a recording of a presentation from Laura Czajkowski on the benefits of real-world, as opposed to cyber-community. Entitled Life Outside of IRC in a FLOSS Community, Laura evangelises on the on the benefits of real-world interaction, beyond that on-line.
Laura describes herself as Argumentative, Stubborn, Geek, Ubuntu Fan and MUNSTER FAN. Munster, for those who don't know, being a major rugby team from the town of Munster back in her native Ireland.
Laura has this year joined Canonical as Launchpad Support Specialist
Presentation from Laura Czajkowski.
Laura czajkowski on Lanyrd: Argumentative, Stubborn, Geek, Ubuntu Fan, MUNSTER FAN
Slides (pdf): Life Outside of IRC in a FLOSS Community (cypher.skynet.ie)
We've more highlights of OGG Camp coming up on the Full Circle Podcast very soon, including a de-brief with Alan Pope.
OGG Camp is a joint venture organised by those lovely podcasters the Linux Outlaws and the Ubuntu UK Podcast.
The Full Circle Podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community. Find us at www.fullcirclemagazine.org/podcast.
Feedback; you can post comments and feedback on the podcast page at www.fullcirclemagazine.org/podcast, send us a comment to podcast (at) fullcirclemagazine.org
Your Hosts:
- Robin Catling (blog at https://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/, @robincatling on Twitter)
Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard
Runtime: 17mins 34seconds