hpr1031 :: Backing up your dvd collection using mencoder
Using mencoder from the command line
Hosted by BrocktonBob on Monday, 2012-07-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
mencoder, dvd.
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Duration: 00:07:04
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Hello HPR BrocktonBob here with another short but sweet episode about backing up your dvd collection using mencoder a terminal command program.In this episode i tell you how to back up your dvd's using a small mencoder command.You will end up with a very nice .avi file about a third the size of your original dvd movie size.So just copy and paste the command below into the terminal after you have inserted the dvd into your drive.make sure to close movie player by hitting cancel.so copy the code below
mencoder dvd://1 \ -alang en \ -vf crop=640:480:0:0,scale=640:405 \ -ovc xvid -xvidencopts \ bvhq=1:chroma_opt:quant_type=mpeg:bitrate=3000 \ -oac mp3lame \ -lameopts br=96:cbr:vol=6 \ -o HarryPotter.avi
Just replace HarryPotter.avi with the name of the movie your backing up enjoy.