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hpr1023 :: About Rivendell with Rivendell

Rivendell Radio Automation software

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Thumbnail of AukonDK
Hosted by AukonDK on Wednesday, 2012-07-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Rivendell, radio, automation. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:51:04
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About Rivendell with Rivendell

In this episode I talk about the Rivendell Radio Automation software whilst using the same software to play music and sound. This show was recorded "as live" and unscripted. I need a bit more practise as I'd like to use a similar setup to do my own podcast show. Did a bit of normalising and amplifing as the levels weren't that great (another thing to practise)

Links and CC attribution follow.

[00:00] SFX CinematicBoomNorm.wav by Herbert Boland CC-BY

[00:36] Promo Rivendell Audio Spot -- "$15,000"

[00:47] Bed Music Emptiness by Alexander Blu CC-BY-SA

[01:00] Link Rivendell Radio Automation

[03:29] Music There's Something Wrong by Brad Sucks CC-BY-SA

[07:30] Link Installing Rivendell - From the Rivendell Wiki, lists some live cds

[10:20] Link My Blog post on installing Rivendell in Ubuntu 12.04

[15:10] Link alsa_in and alsa_out - Very useful if you have a USB headset

[17:22] Music Delirante planete by Löhstana David CC-BY

[22:06] Promo Rivendell Audio Spot -- "Rock Steady"

[21:14] Bed Music May by Alexander Blu CC-BY-SA

[21:42] Link Screenshot of RDAirplay from Rivendell site

Gallery of screenshots here

[25:23] grenade.wav by ljudman CC-Sampling+

[25:53] Storm by RHumphries CC-BY

[27:27] Promo Rivendell Audio Spot -- "Never Pay"

[34:28] Fly Away by Tanya T6 CC-BY-SA

[42:34] Note Odd thing happened, I thought the bed music had bypassed the recording when in fact it had just bypassed the mixer so it played full volume. Again, more practice needed.

Stuff I forgot to mention: Talking about multiple tracks in Carts, you can set each track to only play under certain conditions, such as time or day of the week. RDPanel is an appilcation which is a large version of the sound panel in RDAirplay, great to have on a second monitor. Logs are playlists which can be saved and loaded an can be generated just by playing music in Airplay or building them manually in RDLogedit or automatically with RDLogManager. Rivendell can manage more than one radio station if needed and share the same DB.


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