hpr0993 :: Setting up a Wordpress blog: part 3 - tweaking appearance
Episode 3 of the series Setting up a Wordpress blog
Hosted by Frank Bell on Wednesday, 2012-05-23 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
WordPress, blog, appearance, theme.
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Duration: 00:28:19
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This episode discusses tweaking appearance, particularly the theme. The next episode will be about maintenance.
About.com's webdesign reference and tutorial. https://webdesign.about.com/
W3Schools https://www.w3schools.org/info/how-to-create-websites.html
WordPress themes and plugins https://wordpress.org/extend/
Connections Reloaded WordPress theme. https://wordpress.org/extend/themes/connections-reloaded
GGSimpleWhite WordPress theme. https://wordpress.org/extend/themes/ggsimplewhite
Report of malware in WordPress themes from Geek News Central. https://www.geeknewscentral.com/2011/01/14/free-wordpress-themes-loaded-with-malware/