hpr0984 :: Going Linux: Introduction to Podcasting with Linux
A visit to the "Going Linux" podcast
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Wednesday, 2012-05-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
podcast recording.
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Duration: 00:39:43
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In this introduction to using Linux and Linux applications to record a podcast, we focus on doing it on the cheap. We reveal the hardware and software we use. We discuss that you don't have to have a fast, new computer and expensive recording equipment to make a good quality podcast recording. From recording to editing, and from creating a feed to creating a supporting website, we talk about the free and open source software we use. We also give some tips on the logistics of the recording process and hosting your audio files for free.
Links discussed in this episode:
CommonCraft Video: Podcasting In Plain English https://www.commoncraft.com/video/podcasting
Headsets: Logitech USB Headset, Playstation USB Headset
Microphone: Audio-Technica ATR30
Mixer: Alesis Multimix 8 USB
Audacity https://audacity.sourceforge.net
Skype https://skype.com
Skype Call Recorder https://atdot.ch/scr
EasyTag https://easytag.sourceforge.net
RSS 2.0 specification: https://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss
iTunes info: https://www.apple.com/itunes/whatson/podcasts/tips.html
Creative Commons license:
Legal considerations for podcasters:
Google's Feed Burner https://www.feedburner.com
Web hosting: https://www.site5.com/in.php?id=44470-6
Editing the website: https://kompozer.net
Audio file storage: https://www.archive.org