hpr0968 :: FFMPEG for video Conversion
Using ffmpeg to convert videos
Hosted by BrocktonBob on Tuesday, 2012-04-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
video, conversion, ffmpeg, winff.
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Duration: 00:10:29
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BrocktonBob here with my tutorial on how I use FFMPEG to convert videos to any format I like.
FFMPEG is a terminal program used in Linux, but Windows and Mac users can use WINFF which is the gui frontend for FFMPEG.
FFMPEG is more powerful than WINFF because you have more control when you use the terminal than a gui. Below are the examples I used in this podcast.
I hope you give it a try
My Examples:
ffmpeg -i glue.flv glue.avi ffmpeg -i glue.flv glue.mp3 ffmpeg -i glue.flv -target ntsc-dvd output.mpg