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hpr0958 :: KDE Gathering - Plasma Active - THE Tablet

An interview with Carl Symons and John Blanford: all things KDE

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Thumbnail of David Whitman
Hosted by David Whitman on Tuesday, 2012-04-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
KDE, Akademy, Plasma Workspace, Krita, Calligra. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:23:16
Download the transcription and subtitles.


KDE will get hosting a regional meeting of KDE for the Northwestern United States April 28 and 29, 2012 at LinuxFest Northwest

Akademy 2012
30th June - 6th July 2012, Tallinn, Estonia

KDE is 15 years old.
Kool Desktop Environment

KDE desktop is called the Plasma Workspace
Plasma Workspaces is the umbrella term for all graphical environments provided by KDE. (from Wikipedia)


Krita - Painting and Image Editing

This OS is open unlike other tablet operating systems. Vivaldi Tablet

Anyone can attend this KDE gathering which is co-located with LinuxFest Northwest Plasma Active is not locked down and has office applications

Word Processor, spreadsheet presentation software, drawing optimized for touch

Calendaring, PIM aspect to KDE has been refocused to touch and is avaiable right now

Some KDE programs are still being optimized for the touch environment

Qt-questions about its openness has been resolved

Might be some Raspberry Pi's at the gathering and they will be raffled after the KDE coders get done with them at the LinuxFest Northwest world famous raffle.

You can make your own tablet and use the OS for your project.

OS uses Qt and C++

QT Quick

A continuation of Megoo - Mer

Can be used on some smart phones

Check out KDE and Plasma Active

These notes based on the interview by David Whitman with Carl Symons and John Blanford for Hacker Public Radio.


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