hpr0954 :: All Things Chrome
The Chromebook and ChromeOS
Hosted by Robin Catling on Wednesday, 2012-03-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 00:24:04
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Cast your minds back to Summer 2011, when Google Plus still looked like a good idea, before the HP Touchpad came and went in a fire sale and before the Euro debt crisis turned into a Keystone Cops movie.
A presenter formerly of this parish, one Ed Hewitt, went out and bought himself a new toy; a Samsung Chromebook. ChromeOS marches on, but for how long? I stand back and referee as Ed and Dave Wilkins, fight it out.
The Full Circle Podcast is the companion to Full Circle Magazine, the Independent Magazine for the Ubuntu Community Find us at www.fullcirclemagazine.org/podcast.
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Your Hosts:
- Robin Catling (blog at https://catlingmindswipe.blogspot.com/, @robincatling on Twitter)
- Ed Hewitt (blog at https://www.edhewitt.co.uk/, @edhewitt on Twitter)
- Dave Wilkins (…had to go cook the dinner. @davidawilkins on Twitter)
Additional audio by Victoria Pritchard
Runtime: 24mins 0seconds