hpr0949 :: The cchits 2011 overview
2011 Year Overview Show from CCHits.net
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Wednesday, 2012-03-21 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
CCHits.net, music, creative commons.
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Duration: 01:14:30
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Today it's CC-BY-SA-NC in general and a big thank you to Dave and Caroline of the Bug Cast for putting the shownotes together.
This week we present the CCHits.net 2011 Year Overview Show, as presented by Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs.
We interviewed him back in episode ep0758 :: Interview with Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
Songs played
source It's up to you by Nocreeps
source Resistance by David Rovics
source All Control (Hard Version) by Professor Kliq
source Rise by Rob Warren
source Dirty Angel by The Phase
source Border Blaster by Josh Woodward
source RetroVisoR by Ogg Vorbis
source Surprise Me by The Spirit Of Light
source Cyberpunks (Leaky Mix) by Partition36
source Blue Sunny Day by Jonathan Coulton
source Remixing is OK by SpinMeister
source Soundtrack of our Summer by The League
source Dancing Nowhere by Mo0t
source Down In The City by Houdini Roadshow
source I'm not dreaming by Josh Woodward
source Strip=Teaser by Anniela
Intro/outro: Scott Altham - GMZ (more info)
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