hpr0946 :: HPR Interview David Whitman with Carl Symons and John Blanford
David Whitman interviews Carl Symons and John Blanford
Hosted by David Whitman on Monday, 2012-03-19 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
LinuxFest Northwest.
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Duration: 00:30:39
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HPR Correspondents bring you Interviews from interesting people and projects
HPR Interview David Whitman with Carl Symons and John Blanford
LinuxFest Northwest 2012
Bellingham, Washington 98225 USA
April 28th & 29th, 2012
Admission Free
or support the fest as an Individual Supporter -
60 USD
A’salt’ing Your Computers *
Accessibility: It’s about you!-(Beginner)
Alan Turing: The First 100 years, by author George Dyson
Alpha Geek
Amazon and the Future of the Open Cloud
An Intro to CrunchBang
Ask Your Users: Redesigning the Western website for Drupal with user feedback (Beginner)
Automate Your Infrastructure With Chef
Automated License Plate Recognition use by law enforcement
BAIRS (Bellingham Artificial Intelligence & Robotics Society) (Beginner)
Blender: a 3D introduction
Border Crossings
Bring Intelligence Back to Your Scheduled Tasks
BSD Virtualization
Building my first module with Drupal!
Building RPMs for enterprise deployments
Crash Course in Open Source Cloud Computing
Creative camera control under GNU/Linux.
Creating Solutions with CentOS Studio
Custom Live Linux
Customizing Linux for the Classroom
Deploying an IaaS cloud with CloudStack
DIY Man in the Middle for Security and Privacy
Embedded Hardware Development In Linux
Enterprise Systems Management with Spacewalk
Fedena: Open Source School management system
Git Deep: A deep dive into Git
File Security: Lock Down Your Data
Free (as in speech) brewing (as in beer)
FreeNAS: Open Souce Storage Solution
Game Den
Get Cloudy!
Getting started with Ubuntu
Gnome 3 on it's own merit.
Help us get open source used in local schools
High Availability Clustering with Linux
Introduction to Drupal
Introduction to Joomla!
Introduction to the i3 Window Manager
jQuery Tips and Tricks
Jump Start with Symfony2
kismet BOF
Lean startup overview/The Idea Lab
Lean startup/Agile development
Linux SSTP Server - VPN For Windows Clients
Linux Alternative Rescue Disk
Linux Groups 2.1: Noob Morning in America
Linux Logical Volume Manager Advanced Topics
Linux Made Easy
Linux Performance Analysis
Linux Permissions
Linux SSTP Server - VPN For Windows Clients
Logical Volume Management: Maximize your Hard Disk Space
Meet Fedora: The Not-So-Miraculous story of a successful community, and where the Fedora Project is today.
Messaging for Free Software Groups and Projects
Microcomputer Firmware Development using Linux
Minimizing IT Infrastructure Costs in a Stressed Economy
Monitoring What Matters
Multitouch linux- Utouch and Ginn
MySQL Overview
MySQL Security Beyond The Obvious
Open Source On The Farm
Open Source Software and the Healthcare Data Revolution
openSUSE--It's not just a distro!
ownCloud - Your Cloud, Your Data, Your Way!
Panel Forum with ACLU and EFF
Penetration Testing at the Speed of Metasploit
Perl Regular Expressions
PHP Multitasking without forking
Polyglot Paas Without Vender Lock-In
Powerful Team Collaboration with Trac
Prerequisites for success in the cloud
Programming Location Based Services applications w/Qt
Repairing a Hacked Drupal Website
Revvy - Are your programs out of date?
rshall: A Tool for Managing Hosts in Parallel
Security Enhanced Linux for Mere Mortals
Scalable HTML5 Video Player - Development, Extensibility and Targeting Multiple Platforms
Security Worst Practices
Software Patents: What You Can Do
Supporting Classrooms - 101
Teaching Linux and Linux System Administration as Distance Education Classes
The future of web's video – Open, Streamlined, Exciting
The LFNW World Famous Raffle
The MySQL Diaspora in 2012
The new MySQL eco-system
The MySQL Ecosystem Meets the Cloud
Traffic Redirection With Apache
The Pop Culture Guide To Open Source
User Space C Development
Using BackTrack 5 for fun and profit.
Using the Red Hat Storage Software Appliance (Gluster)
Utilizing Travis CI
We are Legion: Decentralizing the Web
What Makes Android Tick
What's new in MariaDB 5.5 and what's coming in MariaDB 5.6
Why Linux Does Not Suck (Not Even A Little)
Why Linux Sucks (As Usual)
Wireshark as used by a non-guru
XenClient: Client-side virtualization, and how to take Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) offline
Friday night- Tech Night Gathering
Meet and Greet, Job Fair, meet and socialize with other Linux Geeks/ Users
Saturday after-Fest party
Appetizers, drinks, dessert, celebration, fun, games and conversation for LFNW attendees at the SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention (formerly the American Museum of Radio and Electricity) (1312 Bay Street). 6:00 - 11:00 p.m.