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hpr0922 :: Updating a Garmin GPS for free

Installing a 2012 North American map on a Garmin

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Hosted by riddlebox on Monday, 2012-02-13 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
garmin, gps, download. 2.

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Duration: 00:06:29
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Notice **I am not condoning this method I am just reporting that I have read on numerous sites the steps and procedures on how to do this.****

  1. Connect your device to the computer.
  2. Go into the Nuvi files and backup the file named gmapprom.img to your computer.
  3. Delete the gmapprom.img file from the device. (note: make sure you empty the recycle bin after this step)
  4. Delete any unused Language files too..
  5. Copy the unlocked gmapprom.img file that you downloaded into the device. If the downloaded file is named something else, rename it to gmapprom.img and then put it on your devices internal memory.
  6. Restart your device and check your map info via : Tools>Settings>Map>Map Info.

    There you have it! You have done it.


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Comment #1 posted on 2012-02-16 11:22:25 by brothermouse

OSM is legal, open, and hackable

Onlookers might consider leveraging the open/free OpenStreetMap data

Comment #2 posted on 2013-05-07 07:32:44 by Ralph

How to make the garmin usable first

I have thought about getting a used Garmin to use with OpenStreetMaps. But, all the garmin units I have tried display a legal agreement when they are turned on. I won't agree to it, so I never get very far. Are there hacks for some units to remove the license nonsense? Pointers to that info would be appreciated. I have searched google every way I can think of and not found anything.

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