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hpr0920 :: TGTM Newscast for 2012/02/08

A newscast from Talk Geek to Me

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Hosted by Tgtm News Team on Thursday, 2012-02-09 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
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Duration: 00:32:49
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Talk Geek to me News.

TGTM Newscast for 2012/02/08 DeepGeek

We have had alot happen in the world since the last newscast, so let's jump right in! We're also rich in audio interludes, so I will be inserting them almost between the non-tech news stories.

Here is a news review:

  • Calls for Julian Assange to be tried as terrorist under NDAA-like law in 2010
  • This story is important because there was a movement to have multiple political parties in Cuba. Cuba Keeps One Party, Sets Term Limits
  • Let's start a segment of three stories regarding United States of America politics. First, a story about the struggle against the "Electoral College" system of voting, which is a key method this country uses to suppress anything besides to two dominant fascist (in the technical sense of being a marriage between corporations and government) parties. We will see how the state of Washington is fighting that system. After this, a story about the fight for decent medical care for the country within the state of California. Lastly, an editorial written by one of the co-chairs of the Socialist Party USA about Ron Paul.

    It should be noted that I am not yet "endorsing" the Socialist Party USA, merely covering their point of view which the corporate media ignores in order to keep them out of the minds of the people of the USA. That's the point of TGTM news, to report the stories they suppress. The Green Party USA is very interesting also.

    Jill Stein is fighting for candidacy for President with them, and she recently issued her own "Peoples State of the Union (which I will link to in the "other headlines" section)" right after Obama's State of the Union. While Obama's State Of The Union was very Ronald Regan, you know, with it's tough-guy statements about forcing other countries to respect us via Military Force and it's "trickle down economics" statements about boosting the economy by giving even more handouts to mega-corporations; Jill Stein's message was about "the Green New Deal," about stimulating the economy with direct-to-locality stimulus. As matter of fact, she held a video chat direct to the people who got to ask her questions via chat room. Remembering that a union I regularly cover, the IWW, encourages it's members to work via worker co-operatives, I asked if co-ops would be locked out of the "Green New Deal." Ms. Stein answered my question by stating that co-operatives were valid recipients of contracts, and that the point was that, historically, big corporations pocket too much for their owners, so she only wanted to lock out the Interstate and large corporations to aid small business units.

    Jill Stein is currently running against Roseanne Barr for the candidacy for presidency in the Green Party USA.

    Court Approves Washington State System of Limiting November Ballot Access to Two Candidates
  • California's single-payer health bill moves forward
  • The Misadventure of Ron Paul
  • ACLU & EFF to Appeal Secrecy Ruling in Twitter/WikiLeaks CaseEditorial Comment: After the ruling the Icelandic Member-of-Parliment, Ms. Birgitta Jonsdottir, "broke silence" on the matter of this case. So I included, in the "other headlines" section, links to her blog entry about it, as well as a link to a Radio Netherlands International english podcast that includes an interview with her.
  • The Right to Anonymity is a Matter of Privacy
  • MegaUpload: What Made It a Rogue Site Worthy of Destruction?
  • Mega Aftermath: Upheaval In Pirate Warez Land
  • New Venezuelan Social Network Takes Off

Other Headlines:

News from ", " "," and "" "used under arranged permission. News from "" and "" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution license. News from "" and "" used under permission of the Creative Commons by-attribution non-commercial no-derivatives license. News from "" is copyleft.

Audio Interlude, MOC #112, used under permission of Lee Camp.

News Sources retain their respective copyrights.



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