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hpr0908 :: TV Downloader TED

TED - Torrent Episode Downloader

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Hosted by riddlebox on Tuesday, 2012-01-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
DVR, bittorrent, SAMBA. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:06:12
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Hello everyone its riddlebox, sorry its been so long since I have done a podcast.

Today I am going to tell you about my kinda sorta home dvr that I have at the moment.

No, this isn't another show talking about mythtv....even though the mythtv project is a good one...

Our myth box at home died a while back and we lost three tuner cards which I hadn't realized how expensive the setup was getting to be needing all of the tuner cards and a back end server that could handle everything.

So I looked at a debian server I have been using as my zoneminder server which just records two cameras when there is motion. I found a Java app called TED - or torrent episode downloader from As the name states it uses torrents to download the shows. With this application which you download and launch from the jar file.. I had to use a --no-tray switch to get it to run.

Once you open the jar file you are greeted with the app and a list of the popular shows. You can tell it to start torrenting those shows and you can tell Ted the frequency of how often to look for new shows. You can even tell it to get past shows.

So I got Ted all configured the way I wanted, then I setup a guest SAMBA share on my downloads folder so my blue ray player can see the share, and now I just go to my blue ray player and see what shows are available to watch. Some shows may show up a couple days after they air but overall it works great.


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