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hpr0871 :: HPR Community News for Nov 2011

HPR Community News for Nov 2011

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Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Monday, 2011-12-05 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:42:17
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

HPR Community News

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Kevin Granade and Deltaray

Show Review

id title host
hpr0852 GNU Emacs 1 klaatu
hpr0853 Pat Volkerding of Slackware Linux chats with Klaatu klaatu
hpr0854 All In IT Radio0007 - Should Cars Get Smarter ? Syndicated Thursdays series.
hpr0855 Packaging for your distro Mike Hingley
hpr0856 GNU Emacs 2 klaatu
hpr0857 Sam Tuke - Free Software Foundation Europe OggCamp11 series.
hpr0858 Pre micro computer tech in the home #2 MrGadgets
hpr0859 Sourcetrunk: OwnCloud Syndicated Thursdays series.
hpr0860 Kaizendo, GNU Parallel and some more FSCONS FSCONS series.
hpr0861 Emacs Part 3: The Reckoning. klaatu
hpr0862 Breaking Down TFTP Kevin Granade
hpr0863 Tony Hughes Free Cycle Ken Fallon
hpr0864 Opentech Conference 2011: Glen Mehn, SI Camp Full Circle Podcast series.
hpr0865 Desktop Transparency Deltaray
hpr0866 Publican, the user-friendly Perl frontend to Docbook XML klaatu
hpr0867 Gift Guide for Electronics Engineers of the Future MrGadgets
hpr0868 Emacs Console JWP
hpr0869 The Count of Monte Cristo HPR Admins
hpr0870 Computer Memories Deltaray

New HPR Community Spokesperson for 2012

Communities like Debian and Fedora regularly change the person in the position of community manager so that the community is better represented, ideas are kept fresh and team work is fostered. With this in mind we are looking for a new member of the community to come forward and represent HPR as the community spokesperson.

The job is focused on encouraging people to contribute to the project, spreading the word and building the community.

If you are interested or would like to suggest someone for the position then please send your comments to the Mail list.
Don't worry Ken and all the other 'regulars' will continue to support HPR.

Give to FLOSS

Paying homage to the tradition started my Chess Griffin of Linux Reality we are asking people to contribute financially over the coming month to a FLOSS of CC project. Just email us what you contributed to and we'll mail you one of the last few HPR stickers and give you a shout out on the end of year show. Please Spread the word!

End of Year show

We will be organizing a open mic end of year show next month so please have your "best of hpr" story ready for the event. More information on time and date to follow. If you can't make it to the live recording, then please record a short segment and send it on in.

Contribute Shows

We're short of shows so please stop procrastinating and record that show today. has more information on how to do that.


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