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hpr0845 :: Open Source Radio Software

AukonDK leads us on a tour of Open Source Radio Software

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Hosted by AukonDK on Thursday, 2011-10-27 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
icecast, BUTT, Broadcast Using This Tool, IDJC, Internet DJ Console, Liquidsoap, Airtime, Rivendell, RAAbuntu. 1.

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Duration: 00:07:39
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In todays show AukonDK leads us on a tour of Open Source Radio Software

Icecast, the project, is a collection of programs and libraries for streaming audio over the Internet. This includes:

  • icecast, a program that streams audio data to listeners
  • libshout, a library for communicating with Icecast servers
  • IceS, a program that sends audio data to Icecast servers

butt (broadcast using this tool) is an easy to use, multi OS streaming tool.
It supports ShoutCast and IceCast.
butt runs on Linux, MacOS and Windows.


Internet DJ Console is a project started in March 2005 to provide a powerful yet easy to use source-client for individuals interested in streaming live radio shows over the Internet using Shoutcast or Icecast servers.

Because of the large number of streaming applications that already existed but did little more than stream a pair of audio channels or a fixed playlist, it was decided that IDJC would be the opposite and simulate audio hardware to cut down the expense of creating a home studio.

In addition to providing a large number of show production features, this software has been written with the aim of producing the best possible experience for the listeners and DJ alike. To that end features like VoIP integration were conceived of from the very start resulting in the choice of Jack Audio Connection Kit to base the audio.

This has afforded IDJC audio processing capabilities that were they built in would be considered excessive. Enjoy integration with powerful programs such as the well known Skype, Jack Rack (offering audio sound effects plugins), Jamin (the powerful audio compressor/equalizer), and many more.

Fortunately IDJCs power does not come at the expense of a well organized user interface, nor have requests for features been permitted to diminish the application's intuitive feel yet throughout development the main goals have always been that of stability and audio quality.


Liquidsoap is a powerful and flexible language for describing your streams. It offers a rich collection of operators that you can combine at will, giving you more power than you need for creating or transforming streams. But liquidsoap is still very light and easy to use, in the Unix tradition of simple strong components working together.


Airtime is the open radio software for scheduling and remote station management. Remote access to the station’s media management, multi-file upload and automatic metadata verification is coupled with a collaborative online scheduling calendar and playlist management. The scheduling calendar is managed through an easy-to-use web-interface and triggers audio playout with sub-second precision for fading.

Rivendell is a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with facilities for the acquisition, management, scheduling and playout of audio content. It has all of the features one would expect in a modern, fully-fledged radio automation system, including support for both PCM and MPEG audio encoding, full voicetracking and log customization as well as support for a wide variety of third party software and hardware. As a robust, functionally complete digital audio system for broadcast radio applications, Rivendell uses industry standard components like the GNU/Linux Operating System, the AudioScience HPI Driver Architecture and the MySQL Database Engine. Rivendell is available under the GNU Public License.


Rivendell Radio Automation Live CD installer for Ubuntu. This is a modified version of Ubuntu 10.04. It has been customised using the Ubuntu Customization Kit (UCK) and the Rivendell DEB packages developed by Alban in France.

Frederick Henderson created all the install scripts for the greatly improved installer

Twitter/Identica: aukondk


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-10-28 14:05:08 by klaatu

very informative!

very informative episode. all this fancy streaming stuff is still a mystery to me, something i've really been meaning to mess around with. thanks for the very cool info, ideas, and leads on what i should be looking into!

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