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hpr0826 :: HPR Community News for Sep 2011

HPR Community News for Sep 2011

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Sunday, 2011-10-02 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:26:57
Download the transcription and subtitles.

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: AukonDK, Tracy Holz (Holzster), and Joe Wakumara

Show Review

id host title
806 HPR Admins HPR news for Aug 2011
807 klaatu MaraDNS
808 Broam Interview with Yancy Smith
809 deepgeek talk geek to me
810 Joe Wakumara Hello HPR!
811 Thistleweb creative commons torrent tracker
812 MrGadgets Are they a patent trool
813 Ken Fallon Gemma Cameron aka @ruby_gem about Barcamp Blackpool
814 Knightwise The Knightcast KC0054 : Setting up Amahi
815 Ken Fallon Software Freedom Day Dundee 2011
816 Tracy Holz (Holzster) Modern Survivalism part 1
817 AukonDK Installing Linux and Windows 7 to a USB Hard Drive
818 pokey Sansa Clip Plus for podcasting
819 Robin Catling Editing Part Five Post and Packing
820 klaatu Setting up a web server and a mySQL server
821 MrGadgets Why Android tablets suck !
822 Ken Fallon Vivean Parkhouse about the GiffGaff Community Phone project
823 klaatu Klaatu talks to Trevor, a programmer for Phonon's Gstreamer backend
824 Robin Catling Opentech Conference 2011: Paula Graham, FOSSBox
825 marcoz Jamey Sharp Interview at X.Org Developer Conference (XDC) 2011

Apologies To

  • Kris Findlay, and Thistleweb for scheduling mixups

Scheduling Shows

Hi Earthlings,

Along with the scheduling rules there is the line "while
avoiding having any one host/series repeated in a week". The idea was
to allow for  someone uploading an entire series in one go and us
having to schedule it. That has worked well so that the queue is full
and that host still gets their series played fairly often, but ...

After an event like OggCamp/ILF/OLF/SELF etc we tend to get a load of
shows at once that are outside the traditional series concept. Some of
these have the "feel of the fest" and may go stale after a time.

Should we schedule those according to the same rules meaning there
would be no more than one a week, or should we open the floodgates and
have a few weeks dedicated to post festival interviews ?


Month in Review

  • DerbyCon : Louisville, Kentucky – September 30th to October 2nd, 2011
  • Augmented podcast on HPR
  • Outro Contribution Curbuntu, pokey
  • HPR Theme Music
  • HPR Roundtable at Phreaknic
  • Code Cruncher in Amsterdam



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