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hpr0818 :: Sansa Clip Plus for podcasting

Using a Sansa player as a podcast recorder

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Thumbnail of pokey
Hosted by pokey on Tuesday, 2011-09-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Sansa Clip+, recording, RockBox. 6.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:27:02
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Long story short is that the Clip+ is pretty great as a cheap all-in-one recording device. I go into a little more detail here, and I have an idea that may make it even better.

Since recording this, I have discovered how to change the recording directory.

  1. Press the Home button to get to the main menu.
  2. Go to the "Files" option in the main menu, and navigate to the directory (even if it's on the SD card) that you want to use for recording. Highlight it, but don't open it.
  3. Hold down the center button to open a context menu.
  4. Scroll down and select "Set As Recording Directory".

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Comment #1 posted on 2011-09-26 12:26:15 by klaatu


I agree, the sansa devices make great little recording devices. I don't have a Clip, but I do have the fuze, and I used it at OLF to do interviews. The storage capicity, as long as you plan ahead and leave space for the recording, is great, the battery lasted the entire day and for days thereafter, and the mic and sound quality was fine. As much as I love my tablet (nokia n800), nothing but the storage is really anywhere near the quality that the fuze provided me.

On the other hand, the Fuze as a media player (even with Rockbox) leaves a little to be desired...

Comment #2 posted on 2011-09-30 05:18:06 by sgtron

I bought a clip+ based on this podcast that I picked up on ebay for about $35 for a refurbished 8GB model, but unfortunately I didn't like rockbox on it. I found the rockbox navigation to be a bit flakey and the fm radio popped unless you exited the play screen. I do find the stock firmware fine for recording even though you can't monitor the sidetone.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-10-02 18:03:49 by Fragilematter


Hey guys/Pokey! Sorry for joining the party so late, but I've been behind on my podcasts lately.
I'll get down to the subject, and that can be resumed in one acronim: R(F)TM. Rockbox is a complex piece of software and a lot of its functionality isn't obvious.
For instance, to lock the keys on the clip you need to press both the middle button (select) and home at the same time, while you are playing a song (rockbox devs name that the WPS - while playing screen). Also, if you are somewhere in the menus and you want to return to the wps you use the same key combo - home + select.
Also, at least on my Sansa e200, you can have it charge from a computer without accessing the disk by holding select while you plug in the usb cable. I don't know if it's the same for the Clip Plus.
As a closing note, if I recall correctly, the Clip Plus is still under development, especially the usb side of things, so you can expect improvements with each new release (unless you're using the current build, like I do).

Here's hoping you have a nice day,

Comment #4 posted on 2011-10-03 05:52:49 by sgtron


Fragilematter, thanks for the reply and I'll try the current release to see what I think of that too.. I see the rockbox stable builds are released quarterly and the current one was just last month, so months to go before next release.

Comment #5 posted on 2011-10-10 16:13:26 by lostnbronx

Your Idea Works

Pokey, a few years ago, I glued two paint-stirrers together to make a handle; cut the handle to size, sanded it down, and painted it. Then I put Velcro on one end and Velcro on the acrylic case that I have my Fuze in, and stuck it on. I hold the earbud cable to the handle with an elastic. The Fuze has has never fallen off by accident.

This is perfect for recording, and even general use, and the Velcro/handle combo helps to cut down on handling noise. The only change I'd make now is that I should have stained the handle instead of painting it, as the paint began to wear badly almost immediately.

Comment #6 posted on 2011-10-26 15:13:39 by pokey

Thanks for the feedback guys

Those are all great suggestions. I may need to use the velcro one, as i broke the clip off of my clip.

The lock screen function is a new one to me. I'll have to try it.

Yes you can charge the Clip without it booting into the stock firmware if it's powered on in Rockbox. That's how I charge it.

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