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hpr0781 :: HPR Community News for July 2011

HPR Community News for July 2011

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Sunday, 2011-07-31 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:16:20

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

There were no new hosts this month. We're always looking for new hosts so please contribute a show.

Show Review

id host title
761 HPR Admins HPR Community News for June 2011
763 MrGadgets Worst movie ever
764 Robin Catling Matt Grove of Miserware - Energy-saving computing
765 klaatu South East Linux Fest organizers
766 MrGadgets MrGadgets finds Linux
767 klaatu Maddog and "super dumb terminals"
768 Ken Fallon Sort
769 HPR Admins Linux Outlaws 215 - Bitcoin Discussion
770 JWP byobu
771 Thistleweb Mischief Managed
772 NewAgeTechnoHippie Circuit Bending
773 Ken Fallon Gabriel Weinberg of DuckDuckGo
774 Robin Catling Full Cirle Podcast Part Two Recording Editing the Podcast
775 HPR_AudioBookClub HPR AudioBookClub Shadowmagic
776 MrGadgets Open Shorts ep 3
777 Josh Knapp, Voeltz, StankDawg What is Cloud?
778 lostnbronx George Washington Carver
779 Lord Drachenblut 10 Buck Review: War Games
780 klaatu NovaCut

Thanks To

  • Scott Dicks for pointing out a bad link in episode 759
  • Everyone that replied to the call for change of license

Apologies To

  • those that have bad memories

Month in Review

  • HPR ranked #8 Geek Podcast by Linux Format
  • Jason Scott has a new way to upload to
  • New Outro
  • Short of shows
  • Summer Shorts
  • Request for an episode on Internet Shooping bill
  • What would you like to hear in a hpr presentation

RFC Changing show to CC-BY-SA

Some old shows may contain music that we cannot re-license
49 hosts agree to the change, representing 376 shows
76 hosts disagree or have not replied, representing 400 shows



OggCamp 11 is a free two-day unconference (unscheduled conference) for anyone who loves anything related to technology, data, culture, community, open source...and more!


When is PhreakNIC?

November 4-6, 2011

Where is PhreakNIC?

Days Inn Stadium
211 North First Street
Nashville, TN 37213

What is PhreakNIC?

PhreakNIC is Nashville's annual hacker con. Anyone is welcome to attend. We create an environment where people who are interested in the more underground elements of technology can meet, exchange ideas and hopefully teach/learn. The primary focus is on computers and computer security, but we also cover other topics, such as radio (ham, pirate & low-power/community), SETI work, robotics, high-power rocketry, satellites, phones and phreaking, cryptography, etc. PhreakNIC is organized annually by Nashville 2600 a non-profit organization.

Pre-Registration is available again through click and pledge at If you pre-register this year please use the "Customize your con badge" link in the menu to submit your visage/logo for your badge. This will be our fifteenth year and we hope you will make plans to join us.

Who is PhreakNIC

PhreakNIC is attended by anyone with a curious mind. That being said we are now accepting papers for this year. If you would like to give a talk submit your name and a brief synopsis of what you'd like to talk about to president -at-


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