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hpr0761 :: HPR Community News for June 2011

HPR Community News for June 2011

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Thumbnail of HPR Volunteers
Hosted by HPR Volunteers on Sunday, 2011-07-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.
Community News. (Be the first).
The show is available on the Internet Archive at:

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:44:15

HPR Community News.

A monthly look at what has been going on in the HPR community. This is a regular show scheduled for the first Monday of the month.

New hosts

Welcome to our new hosts: Dave, NewAgeTechnoHippie, and Epicanis.

Show Review

741 HPR Admins HPR Community News for May 2011
742 Dave How I Got Into Linux
743 KFive ILF 2011: Interview with Jason Kridner of BeagleBoard
744 Skirlet The Language Frontier Episode 5
745 MrGadgets Wings
746 Ken Fallon Interview with Tony Whitmore about OggCamp11
747 finux and code.cruncher Botnets and DNS Tunnelling
748 Dismal Science My Favorite Audiocasts
749 Robin Catling Full Cirle Podcast Editing the Podcast Part One Preparation
750 NewAgeTechnoHippie My path to Linux
751 Lord Drachenblut and Downer Binary Evolutions
752 MrGadgets My Path to Linux: Knoppix
753 KFive ILF 2011: Interview with Klaatu of Slackermedia
754 Skirlet The Language Frontier Episode 6
756 Joel Basics of RF
757 Epicanis Episode 0: "Acknowledgement Courtesan"
758 Ken Fallon Interview with Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs
759 HPR Admins LPI study group
760 klaatu /dev/Rob0 of maintainer of the mailing list

Thanks To

  • Fifty OneFifty for the picture of the combine
  • Lostnbronx, MrGadgets for allowing rescheduling
  • Jonathan Nadeau for looking at the site

Apologies To

  • Ice Gnu # at the end of recording

Month in Review

  • Business Cards for SELF and OggCamp11
  • Shownotes in HTML
  • A hair brained idea from 5150
  • CC *cast and video torrent tracker
  • Selecting a CMS
  • hopr mirror pegwol

A user suggested that you add "Hacker Public Radio" to!. Unfortunately the terms of service are not compatibel with a Creative Commons lisence.


All three are on par from an accessability point of view.
Each would require additional coding to support the features of HPR
For now we'll stick with the droops(tm) cms

RFC Changing show to CC-BY-SA

17 hosts have replied and 100% of those that replied gave permission for the change to CC-BY-SA
107 hosts have yet to reply.
This means that a little over 1/3rd of the shows have been re-licensed. I intend to email them directly as they may not be on the mail list.

Hi All,

This is an official request for a change of license that *NEW* shows
are uploaded as.

The proposal is to change from:


The RFC will be open for a month and the results will be announced
here and on July's HPR Community News. If approved all shows after
that time will be by default CC-BY-SA unless indicated in the show
notes. Further, I would then contact everyone that has hosted so far
asking if we can relisence their show(s) as CC-BY-SA.

This is entirely up to the community so please use the mail list you
voice your opinion. Even a one liner is fine.



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