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hpr0756 :: Basics of RF

An introduction to Radio Frequencies

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Hosted by Joel on Sunday, 2011-06-26 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
electromagnetic radiation, packet radio. 4.

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Duration: 00:37:43
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Comment #1 posted on 2011-06-28 00:09:53 by demi

dude, what the hell, why do you sound so nervous?

this one sounded really ill-prepared, your stammering and breathing were really annoying to listen to, no offense, but you should probably plan your podcasts in future, and speak with more conviction.

thanks for the effort though.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-06-30 18:17:30 by Ken Fallon

Loved the show.

Hi Joel,

Thanks for doing this show (for me). I had never considered that radio was just another form of light but it seems so obvious.

You've joined my special club of "recording while out of breath" trail-blazed by myself in hpr0078 but at least you were trying to prove a point. As droops said to me back then when people complained, HPR is about quality of content and not (necessarily) about quality of audio. You covered a very difficult topic very well. I would love to hear a HPR episode carried out over the radio. That would give us a real sense of what the audio quality would be like.

I got a lot out of the episode an I hope you continue to produce more episodes in this series.


Comment #3 posted on 2011-07-04 16:53:09 by Billy


Hey Joel, ThanVROOMks for contributingVROOM to Hacker Public Radio.VROOM One note though. A lot ofVROOM people listen while driving. I happened toVROOM listen to yours whileVROOM bicycling. More than a few times. I nearlyVROOM swerved into a ditch because I heard a semi-truckVROOM coming up from behindVROOM to hit me. Then I realized it wasVROOM on the recording, and IVROOM tuned it out, and almost DIDVROOM get hit because some silly driverVROOM had the gall to make the samVROOMe noise that wasVROOM perforating your episode.VROOM

Comment #4 posted on 2011-07-09 05:09:40 by BadCam

Great Show.

I didn't mind the audio quality at all. It felt like I was walking with you. For me, it was a sound-scape. I enjoyed the show and the sound effects just made it more interesting.

(I do issue with the audio quality, but it's ONLY about the levels of the Intro and Outro's matching the podcast itself. Our ears are precious and especially if you're wearing earpieces. It's more a matter of safety for me, not quality.)

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