hpr0739 :: The Knightcast KC0053 : Wirelessly syncing content to your Ipad and Ipod.
A visit to the Knightcast podcast
Hosted by knightwise on Wednesday, 2011-06-01 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
podcast, android, gPodder, Ubuntu, IOS, Calibre.
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Duration: 01:13:09
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This show was aired on "Saturday, 07 May 2011 06:23"
The Knightcast KC0053 : Wirelessly syncing content to your Ipad and Ipod.
In this deep-geeky episode we unlock the secret of automatic podcast downloading and distribution to android and IOS Devices without using itunes or a cable. We mash together Ubuntu, Gpodder, a bash script a couple of SSH Connections and an Ipad app to unlock the secrets of wirelessly pushing content to your IOS Devices. As a bonus we take a glance at calibre and show you how to have your favorite rss feeds available to read offline.