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hpr0727 :: HOWTO root and mod an Andr0id phone.

A description of how to get the control you should already have over an electronic device you own

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Hosted by Klaatu on Monday, 2011-05-16 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Motorola cliq, cyanogenmod, root access. 3.

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Duration: 00:34:33
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Klaatu's HOWTO root and mod an Andr0id phone.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-05-18 16:57:46 by thegreatgazoo

Some info for flashing the Moto cliq in particular.

rooting: find and download z4root.
install it on your phone like any other app
open program, press the root button
u r now rooted

recovery: go to the market and install RomManager (this is clockworkmod)
open rommanager, press the install recovery button.

Download rom: find a compatible rom for your phone. The cliq is old and not very well supported so rommanager did not find a rom for me. I found this port of cyanogen for the cliq.
copy it to the root of your sd card
Install rom: open rommanager, select "install rom from sd card"
pick the rom
check all the boxes
rommanager will do the reboot into recovery and install the rom for you. Ten it will reboot for you into the new OS.

Klatuu kinda did it the hard way.
on most phones, rooting is the hard part
after that rommmanager does most of the work for you, including finding and downloading the new rom, and installing it for you.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-05-18 17:23:22 by thegreatgazoo

More info on rooting

z4root will root many phones running android 2.1 and below. it is the easiest way to root because no computer is needed. just install the app and run. Just as klatuu mentioned, this will just sit there looking like its doing nothing. just wait and it will reboot when its done rooting.

get it here:

For just about all other phones (with a few exemptions) superoneclick will root your phone. They tell you to download the development kit but you do not have to. Klatuu did not have to either.
All you really need is the "ADB" program, and phone device driver.
On Linux, your golden, it will recognize your phone. On Windows, just search around for your phones driver. You can sometimes get the drivers from the manufacturers website, or from google. you can download the driver pack from google without downloading the SDK. just search around.
There is no need to download 300MB worth of software just to get a small program and driver.

3rd party drivers:
Google driver pack:

There are some newer phones that have something called "s lock". these are harder but not impossible.
These have to be rooted kinda like klatuu did it. manually pushing files over, then some terminal kung-fu on the phone. after that, its clockwork mod to the rescue.

all these programs have detailed forums/faq/comments on what devices do and dont work. please read and make sure you are performing the correct procedure for your specific phone.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-05-19 15:46:37 by klaatu

thanks for the infos

Thanks for the info, thegreatgazoo. I figured I did it the hard way but amazingly that was kind of the only way I figured out how to do it. Sounds like z4root is the way to go. I just *knew* there had to be an easier way by now...

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