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hpr0717 :: My Switch from Windows to Linux

Slurry's journey towards Linux, through the US Military and Windows Vista

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Hosted by Slurry on Tuesday, 2011-05-03 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
linux, distrohopping. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:25:15
Download the transcription and subtitles.


First exposure to Linux on ancient laptop
Next several years into adulthood with Windows
Never ran with crowd / always techie
Opinions formed about Linux
In spite of fondness, abandonded Linux
Several years later 1 yr from retiring
Dooms day - pop up virus explorer web page
All this arround the time Vista
Stuck with XP through Vista debachle
Learned some things about Windows7 proverbial straw
Devising a plan
Ubunto on desktop and on wifes laptop
Only remnants of windows on dual boot desktop
Purchased my own Vista laptop / never booted in Vista
Learned alot using Ubuntu
Thats my switch to linux story
More productive, knowledgeable, satisfied user under Linux


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-05-03 22:47:30 by pokey

Another great first time contributor

Thank you, Slurry. This episode was awesome. I found myself smiling throughout the whole thing. Your delivery was first rate. Either you nailed this in one take, or you are a pro at editing, and you have to do an episode to tell us how to edit as well as you did.

It's great to hear another "geek" helping out at church, too.

I couldn't agree more about how Linux makes me feel when using it, especially compared to windows. I also love knowing that I can share that feeling with anyone who's interested. You said that you were amazed by your first live CD. How about the first time you saw gparted do a non-destructive partition edit, or heard that ext3 didn't need to be defragmented?

I LOVE that you popped the CD drive open with a pen to avoid ever booting windows. If I ever buy a new laptop, I'm doing exactly that.

If you decide to do more shows, I'd love to hear how you taught yourself python. Learning python is on my long list.

Thanks for a fantastic show.


Comment #2 posted on 2011-05-04 17:47:45 by slurry


Blushing a bit from pokey's comments. This was done in one take with some minor editing. Thanks for the episode suggestion on editing. I'm an amateur at it, but I'd be glad to share what seemed to work for me.

Thanks for the kind words pokey.

Comment #3 posted on 2011-05-10 15:57:28 by Yogotiss

The Power of Linux

I am really proud of how the fast the Linux community is growing. I have a friend with a similar story as yours. The only difference is I suggested Linux as an alternative for her and she uses it primarily. I love this episode and your willingness to try Linux. I'm going to play this episode again for others.

Comment #4 posted on 2011-05-12 18:29:58 by pokey

I was looking at your response to lostnbronx's show # 721. If you write an AD, and you really do want HPR folks to read... I'm in if you want me.

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