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hpr0696 :: MrGadgets Path toward Linux

Mr Gadgets talks about how he got to Linux

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Hosted by MrGadgets on Monday, 2011-04-04 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
6502, Z80, 6800, Moog Synthesizer, Commodore PET, TRS-80 Color Computer, KIM-1. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:13:43
Download the transcription and subtitles.

How I got into tech.

Started by monsterb, this series invites people to share with us how they found Linux. It has become traditional for first time hosts to share with us their journey to Linux. Indeed it has morphed to be way to share your journey in tech right up to your first contribution to HPR.

MrGadgets' final episode on his Path toward Linux

Other shows in this group are:

  1. 2011-04-04, MrGadgets Path toward Linux
  2. 2011-05-15, Journey to Linux
  3. 2011-06-20, My Path to Linux: Knoppix
  4. 2011-07-10, MrGadgets finds Linux



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Comment #1 posted on 2011-04-05 20:35:35 by (Z)

Something wrong...

This does not seam to be the last part, and Mr Gadgets also states that the next part will be "the path towards linux". Still a nice episode.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-04-06 21:11:44 by Claudio

Loving It!

I have been thoroughly enjoying MrGadgets' submissions, and this one also does not disappoint. After hearing this episode, I feel like we're kindred spirits. I also studied Sound Engineering and have always had a love for computers and music, and eventually that also led to synthesizers. Hearing MrGadgets sprinkle some talk of synths in his history of computers (and journey to Linux) really made my day. I have Mark Vail's Vintage Synths book and spent hours reading the history of synths from the analog Moogs and ARPs to the digital DX's and Mirages, and evreything in between. MrGadgets, if you're reading this, I definitely look forward to your segments on vintage synths. Kudos on all of your segments thus far. :-)

Comment #3 posted on 2011-04-07 05:12:33 by Ken Fallon

My fault (again)

I've spoken to the man himself and it is not the end ....

Comment #4 posted on 2011-04-13 14:28:29 by pokey

Some of the best, and most fun HPR episodes that we have. You always keep us wanting more, so keep them coming!

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