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hpr0684 :: Eben Moglen Freedom In the Cloud

Eben Moglen explains the motivations & ideas behind the Freedom Box project

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Thursday, 2011-03-17 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
syndicated thursday, floss, free software, freedom, surveillance, hosting. 5.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 01:58:36
Download the transcription and subtitles.

Syndicated Thursdays.

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Beannachta L le Pdraig/Happy Saint Patrick's Day.

Beannachtai na File Pdraig ar chlann mhr dhomhanda na nGael, sa bhaile agus ar fud na cruinne, ar r l nisinta ceilirtha fin.

Freedom In the Cloud: Software Freedom, Privacy, and Security for Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing A Speech given by Eben Moglen at a meeting of the Internet Society's New York branch on Feb 5, 2010

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NOTE TO ITUNES LISTENERS Please reload Mondays show "HPR ep0681 :: My first computer Hosted by MrGadgets on 2011-03-14"


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-03-17 17:58:54 by Cillian de Róiste


Maith thú a Ken! Nár laige Dia thú! Chuala mé an léacht seo cheana féin agus tá sé tau!

Le meas,

Comment #2 posted on 2011-03-20 21:42:51 by Jonas

Normalized Cloud

This is of course a nice approach to the downside of facebook. I agree that someone else tracking by log is not ideal. How many of us only log onto the "trusted" networks with service such as the old tllts cloud? The techs there are far superior to many of us normal users and there were numerous problems getting access to the service even outside of many total outages. I would certainly rather have my posts scattered across many hosts rather than something central like facebook. That does obfuscate the logs and make it harder to gather all the users data easily. Even then, though, the isps would still have logs of the interconnected traffic. My point is this sytem would make more difficult what is very easy for google and facebook and twitter, but it still does not make coallating user usage impossible. This idea reminds me of TOR. TOR does not completely anonymize anyone, it just makes it really difficult to connect one endpoint to another for the purposes of prosecution or otherwise. A lot of people think they are fully anonymized with TOR, but I've not heard any TOR engineer claim that.
Also, let's say that anyone running their own social network peer wants to have advertising on their freedom box. To advertise the owner would need to share the log info with the ad company. Then we're back to spying included for free, or at least spying for free to the owner of the box. Nothing is free for the advertiser of course. Yes it would take a while to build the database, but that just translates to more cost to the advertiser. I'm not arguing against doing this. I just want to point out that this just commutes the problem, it doesn't really solve the problem. I'll be the first to buy a freedom box, but I won't delude myself into thinking "gee when everyone does this, we'll be truly free at last". Look into it. It's cool. It's free software. It's fun. It's awesome. In the voice of Jim Carey "I like it a lot".

Comment #3 posted on 2011-03-21 00:21:27 by pokey

Wow! Brilliant!

Ken Thanks for the lovely intro to this show. It was a very nice St. Patrick's day gift. I have no idea what you said, but I can guess, and I enjoyed it almost as much as if I did.

Eben Moglen is a brilliant speaker. I'm not always as interested in his talks, but this one really grabbed me. It is one of the best talks I've ever heard form any speaker. It was informative, moving and understandable. Eben is one of the more level headed and reasonable evangelists in the Free software community. I feel like I can even share this talk with some of my more academic, and less computer savvy friends.

Great choice for a syndicated show!

Comment #4 posted on 2011-03-26 09:01:34 by Dodgy Geezer

Great Episode.

Thanks for posting that episode. That was an awesome talk. I do have one gripe however, and that's the volume levels. I can understand there being great differences between Podcasts, but please not within an episode.

Comment #5 posted on 2011-03-27 13:21:14 by Curbuntu



I had not heard of Eben Moglen until this episode, but I thank you for introducing him to us. I'm not normally a fan of overly long podcasts, but I was disappointed when this episode came to a close -- because it seemed too short.

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