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hpr0666 :: Salvaging old Coleman lanterns and stoves

Purchasing, utilizing, and refurbishing pre-owned Coleman lanterns and stoves

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Hosted by brother mouse on Monday, 2011-02-21 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
camping, restoration. 3.

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Duration: 00:34:23
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This show discusses getting neglected lanterns/stoves back into running condition. It is not about restoring them to pretty, like-new, "shelf queen" condition.

errata and clarifications, roughly timecoded

@18mins - The little cup is to hold alcohol, which is burned to "prime" the system. The burning alcohol preheats the generator so the higher- flashpoint kero can ignite without drama.

s/sided lantern/sided globe/g

@19mins - s/possible/practical/

@20mins - varnish might be removed by sitting in fresh fuel, or more likely by sitting in 90% isopropyl or methanol. I filter the alcohol after use and use it to prime kero gear, as above.

@27mins - the generator can get internally gummed up, particularly when running unleaded in a unit not designed for that.

@29mins - black _body_ luminosity

@30mins - might want to plug the air tube on a stored suitcase stove to block the progress of the aforementioned spiders.


@33mins this isn't that unusual; stove/lantern fettlers skew older, demographically speaking


American Coleman forum:

European forum:

Fear the "turd":

Troubleshooting, [dis-]assembly, etc:

Petromax lantern cutaway:

My page about picking a stove, including fuel selection:

Last completed: 1944 242c single mantle round globe

Current project: 1990 222b single mantle hiking lantern

Sportster stove stored in a coffee can:

Parts for older gear:


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-02-24 00:46:19 by Quvmoh

great show!

great to see more folks addicted to this stuff :-)

Comment #2 posted on 2011-02-24 23:58:20 by Matt

Brings back memories of camping

My Dad had a little Coleman stove that came in a metal cube storage case. The lid of the cube case was a pan for cooking, and the base was a pot for boiling water or soup. Very compact, practical and reliable. I wish I had one! Thanks for the episode!

Comment #3 posted on 2013-04-25 13:16:00 by pokey

Great episode!

So I finally got around to trying out me Coleman suitcase stove. I was inspired by your HPR to hunt one down. I found one at a yard sale for $2, but I had no cash on me and couldn't find an ATM, so that one got away. A week later I spotted one lying in the grass at the dump. It was almost perfectly camouflaged, so don't ask me how I ever saw it. Anyway, I've had it for almost a year now, and only just lit it. I was looking forward to working on the thing and tuning it up, so I was almost disappointed when it fired right up and put out perfect blue flames. I had only lit it to test it out, but my (12/yo) daughter was so excited, she ran in the house to get a pan and some eggs, which she fried up for us.

On a related topic, a good friend of mine was "gifted" with a half a dozen chicks late last fall (Surprise, here's chickens!). Thanks to your HPR efforts, I was able to help him build a temporary coop, and plan the larger permanent coop. It was a good time spent with a good friend (which is rarer and rarer these days), and I thought you should know.

Anyway thanks again for the inspiration and education.

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