hpr0662 :: DD-WRT
Xoke records an HPR episode while installing DD-WRT
Hosted by Xoke on Tuesday, 2011-02-15 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
WiFi, Wireless, DDWRT, Hardware.
(Be the first).
Listen in ogg,
or mp3 format. Play now:
Duration: 00:21:27
Download the transcription and
Apologies for the bad quality. I really was installing DD-WRT whilst recording, for the first time! I tried to tidy it up but it’s still fairly rough!
- Go the the DD-WRT website.
- Go to Router Database.
- Search for your Router (or one you might want to buy), in my case the Linksys WRT54GL from NewEgg (note: NOT a sponsored link and other shops are available).
- Read this stuff: https://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=51486
- Notes: Initial flashing ‘Mini Generic’ via web interface. Give it at least 2 mins after reboot!
- Installation guide: https://www.dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Installation
- Lifehacker article: https://lifehacker.com/178132/hack-attack-turn-your-60-router-into-a-600-router
- Short version:
- Plug in the router
- Install the mini-generic DD-WRT firmware
- Reboot the router if it doesn’t restart itself
- Install the full DD-WRT firmware. It should restart
- Enjoy the shininess of the new firmware!
- Reset the password and username!