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hpr0648 :: Wput: a command-line ftp-client

A brief overview of wput, a command-line FTP utility

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Thumbnail of Ken Fallon
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Wednesday, 2011-01-26 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
ftp, shell, utilities. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:04:04
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Wput is a command-line ftp-client that looks like wget but instead of downloading, uploads files or whole directories to remote ftp-servers.

Main Features

  • wget-like interface
  • TLS-encryption
  • resuming
  • speed-limit
  • time-stamping (compares local and remote dates)
  • proxy-support (socks5, http)
  • i18n
  • windows-compatibility

Wput is a free utility that is able to upload files to a ftp-server.

Wput is non−interactive and background-capable. It can upload files or whole directories and is meant to be a robust client even for unstable connections and will therefore retry to upload a file, if the connection broke.

Wput supports resuming, so it automatically continues uploading from the point where the previous upload stopped, meaning that you can kill Wput anytime and it will (if the remote ftp−server supports this, being most likely the case) finish the partial uploaded file.

Wput supports connections through proxies, allowing you to use it in an environment that can access the internet only via a proxy or to provide anonymity by hiding your ip−address to the server. For SOCKSv5−proxies Wput supports also listening mode, allowing you to use port-mode ftp through a proxy (useful if the remote ftp is behind a firewall or a gateway).

Wput supports timestamping, so it will (in the ideal case and if timestamping is enabled) only upload files, that are newer than the remote-file.

The upload-rate of Wput can be restricted, so that Wput won’t eat all available bandwidth.


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