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hpr646 :: Do we need a carrier plan for Android

Using Android without a phone or data plan, just WiFi

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Hosted by Dismal Science on 2011-01-24 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
"unlocked phone",SIP,"Session Initiation Protocol",GPS. 2.

Listen in ogg, spx, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:26:43


My argument is that Android OS is so power that you do not need a phone or data plan with it. A simple WiFi connection will provide everything that you could ask for.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-24 12:41:07 by brother mouse

G1 w/no data

This show hasn't come up in my podcast rotation yet, but wanted to throw in my 2c. I run a TMO prepaid SIM in my G1 (Cyanogenmod 6.1), but use something like 15mins of phone a month. Everything else is wifi, automated with Tasker. The TMO sim has an advantage that you can get a 24hr data daypass for $1.50 if you find yourself somewhere with no wifi and a desperate need for connectivity. Happens to me about once every two months or so.
Comment #2 posted on 2011-02-02 14:51:00 by brother mouse

more thoughts while listening

===podcasts I agree that podcasts are better for information than the normal media. I like the topic-centric nature of most 'casts. ===call patterns Calls from home/work: I shift "elective" calls so I can use a landline. Time-sensitive calls get made on the cell. I was originally on Sprint, but was annoyed that I couldn't swap phones when I wanted (GSM FTW!) and the smallest package I could get was 300mins/month for $30. Way, way more than I need. ===Google voice what is the rationale for using a separate google account? Not arguing, I just don't understand the benefit. ===salesdroids and no data plan Yes, salescritters will go into apoplexy if you talk about a smartphone w/out dataplan. It's like that movie _Scanners_. ===unlocked phones eBay ftw! Some of my favorite phones: Windoze: unlocked HTC dash $50, BB formfactor with great kb and hardkeys. Unlocked HTC Wizard (MDA) $50 PPC. Unlocked HTC Typhoon? SDA candybar, dedicated music buttons. Android: an old G1 would be fine, $100. LG Optimus-series, $150. ===gps I wonder if we're conflating "gps" and "navigation" in this episode. The GPS gets a lock just fine. Would be faster with the aGPS data-enabled tower lookup, but the GPS proper will work fine with no data. I use maydroyd offline maps (no nav) and geobeagle for waypoint navigation. I'm looking at the Copilot site now, but haven't figured it all out yet. I have a newer/better 'droid phone on the way, and may install copilot then. ===Links

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