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hpr0644 :: The Plop Boot Loader and UNetbootin- A Great Team

How to use plop & unetbootin to boot from a USB disk even if BIOS doesn't support it

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Hosted by N50 on Thursday, 2011-01-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
utilities. 4.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:12:11
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Have you ever ran across older computers that did not have BIOS options to boot from USB? Are you tired of burning ISO discs all the time to install an operating system on machines like these? This episode could help you in reducing your collection of ISO discs down to one, and then using a single USB flash drive for all the rest of your needs.

The software can be downloaded from the following sites:

Direct quotes about UNetbootin and the end music used in the show are referenced below: Sourceforge, N.D. (Designer). (2011). Introduction to unetbootin. [Web]. Retrieved from


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-27 00:56:06 by Xoke


I've used unetbootin before but had not heard about plop. Added it to my list of cool utils and will have to play around with it.

Very nice first episode! Keep it up.

Comment #2 posted on 2011-01-27 12:17:01 by N50


Hello Xoke,

Thank you for the support and feedback! I am so glad to see someone got something out of the episode.

As mentioned in the episode, there are probably dozens of ways out there to go about doing this, but I have found that this combination works well for me, and it has always "just worked."


Comment #3 posted on 2011-02-10 17:35:57 by Aaronb

Faster installs - great Info

II have been booting distros from thumbdrives for years. I use multboot for some of it.

But for installing, your suggestions are great. So much faster. Many times it will fail to install from a CD on older equipment. Where it will be successful from a thumbdrive. This is the type of podcast I like. USEFUL!

Comment #4 posted on 2011-02-26 19:29:20 by Buffalo Pete

Great tip and well timed! I'm rehabilitating an aging machine today and remembered hearing this episode of HPR a few weeks back, so I listened to it again just now and am now ready to install Arch Linux on the machine. Thanks a lot!

-Buffalo Pete

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