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hpr0636 :: Kid3-qt

Using Kid3-qt to modify audio metadata, for changing playback order in some media players

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Thumbnail of pokey
Hosted by pokey on Monday, 2011-01-10 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
media player, metadata, utilities. 2.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:27:36
Download the transcription and subtitles.


An id3 tag is meta-data attached to an audio file, and is (ideally) about the file to which it is attached. If you've ever tried to edit id3 tags through a media player, then you know what a pain that is. If you haven't... Well, now you never have to. Rejoice! Kid3-qt is an id3 tag editor, and it is awesome.
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P.S. Some people enjoy finding mistakes. For their enjoyment, I have probably included a few.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-22 21:42:04 by BadCam

Enjoyed the show. PuddleTag...

Hi Pokey

I too have a Sansa Clip+, but I also have a Clip V2, which to be ho, I prefer over the Clip+, purely because of the location of the volume control, earphone connector and that it has a physical Power switch. For me, it's just more ergonomically comfortable.

I am a Podcast and Audiobook addict. In my quest for the perfect method of getting my Podcasts onto my Clip, I have settled upon gPodder as podcatcher and a recent newcomer for MP3 tagging, PuddleTag. I've tried Kid3-Qt, but it just never took my fancy. So , I settled upon EasyTag, but that never had a good method for easily sorting files into my daily listening order. None of these Linux MP3 Taggers did. Until now. PuddleTag has been a revelation. It does everything the others do, plus allows me to rearrange my Podcast listening order, very easily any time I want.

I don't always get a chance to listen to all my downloaded Podcasts throughout the day, and some days there are always a few new ones, that I'd like to listen to now and just give later track numbers to the existing ones. Reordering tracks in PuddleTag is simplicity in itself. Select the track(s) and press Ctrl-+ or Ctrl-- (You might have to go onto preferences shortcuts to get this set up, depending upon your keyboard).

Anyway, something worth looking at:

gPodder's great too as I can sync gPodder between different PC's and if you have a network storage device, you can set a link on each PC to a gPodder folder on the storage device and your Podcasts won't be duplicated, but you can connect your MP3 player to any machine to get your latest podcasts.

Kind regards


Comment #2 posted on 2011-02-14 06:09:22 by Buffalo Pete

Very nice!

Thanks for this rundown of kid3! I've been a KDE user for almost four years now, but I've still been using Easytag as my id3 tag editor, so it was nice to hear an introduction to this piece of software. Thanks!

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