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hpr0634 :: Urban Camping ep 5

Episode 5: where to find food

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Hosted by Klaatu on Thursday, 2011-01-06 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
free food, dumpster diving, stealing, bartering. 4.

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Duration: 00:26:35
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Urban Camping.

Tips and tricks for the Urban Camper

The fifth episode in Klaatu's HOW TO be an Urban Camper mini series, about where to find food.


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-01-07 03:15:49 by neddludd


controversional opinions! It brings much needed politicization to the geek thinking!

Could part 6 discuss Squatting ?!

Space Invaders - Squat Documentary Part 1

Klaatu have you seen - "we feed the world"

"The Gleaners and I"

Comment #2 posted on 2011-01-08 17:14:10 by klaatu


Ep 6 cannot be on squatting because I've never really been a squatter, at least not in the common meaning of the word goes. That is to say, I've never been a part of the squatting scene; I've never spent an extended amount of time squatting. i know the benefits and some of the things you have to look out for whilst squatting -- but only by way of little things I've heard, here and there. Not from experience, and I don't like doing eps on things I have not actually had experience with -- it seems like such a mass media type of thing to do. So, no squatting eps from me until I've lived it.

But, thanks for your comments and thanks for the links. The Squat doc sounds really cool, i'll check it out. And no i've not seen "feed the world" but that sounds good too. I'll have to look at it.

ps- anyone out there who HAS been a squatter...feel free to do an ep about it!!

Comment #3 posted on 2011-01-12 05:00:37 by Anarchocapitalist


Food and goods are still scarce goods and stealing is a violation of others property rights even corporations. Therefore is it just and right for me to steal other goods such as a car if my neighbor has two and I have one? Respect for each other and property is something that holds society together and doesn't tear it apart. checkout Murray rothbard, F A Hayek, and L von Mises.

Comment #4 posted on 2011-02-01 23:22:06 by Bucky

Perhaps an Urban Camping 5a?

Believe it or not, food actually DOES grow on trees! I don't remember hearing anything about actually going out and picking fruit from trees to supplement ones diet. You may be able to do this legally by asking an old person to pick their fruit for them in exchange for a little fruit for yourself. Maybe if you're lucky and pick apples, you can return for some apple pie later.

There are also many edible plant leaves and flowers, such as Viola petals, Nasturtium leaves and flowers, mint, ornamental kale, etc.

Some listed:

In the woods you may find blackberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, etc.

Just be sure you know what you are picking before you try and eat something.

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