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hpr0621 :: Dann and CafeNinja Book Review: Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged

CafeNinja and Dann review "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand

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Hosted by Dann on Monday, 2010-12-20 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
book, book review, philosophy. 4.

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Duration: 00:47:26
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Dann and CafeNinja provide a synopsis of the book and then discuss the points of objectivism in relation to historical, political, and personal impact. A good time had by all. References


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Comment #1 posted on 2010-12-27 07:54:44 by Brijesh

Ayn Rand and Movies

Talking of movies a B&W movie was made on the Fountainhead. The screenplay was by Ayn Rand herself. While not a bad movie it was a pale reflection of the book "The Fountainhead" Considering that even Ayn Rand herself could not make it more powerful I am very concerned about the movie. I agree with you guys that the movie should be in parts. Maybe a better idea would be an HBO original series.

Comment #2 posted on 2010-12-27 08:01:27 by Brijesh


... to hear you red Zen & the art of Motorcycle Maintenance after Atlas Shrugged. For me it was the other way around - I read Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance after Atlas Shrugged. It was a heavy combo and surely influenced a lot of my thinking.

Comment #3 posted on 2010-12-29 18:09:33 by brother mouse


Man, I've /tried/ to read A.S. a few times but it's such an interminable deathmarch. I've had people recommend that I just jump to the (60pp?) Galt speech and do that if nothing else. Maybe I will.

Objectivist / Libertarian types might also enjoy Stephan Molineaux's FDR:
He's not in either of those camps but I think there's plenty of "paint transfer" from bumping up against them...

Comment #4 posted on 2011-01-29 00:13:39 by Judas.PhD

Thank You

I think that "Atlas Shrugged" is one of the most important books ever written, and is well worth reading.

I read "Atlas Shrugged" in the very early 1990s.

I am a 46 year old philosophy major, and the anti-Rand sentiment is rampant in academic philosophers, graduate philosophy majors, and undergraduate philosophy majors.

Thank you for giving a positive review of this wonderful book.

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