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hpr0617 :: So You Wanna Start A Band?

How current copyright laws can affect musicians trying to start a band

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Hosted by Thistleweb on Tuesday, 2010-12-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
copyright, creative commons, music. 2.

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Duration: 00:45:39
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Many people only think about it from the fans perspective, without realizing the different steps it's taken to get to them. ThistleWeb talks about the current copyright cartel thinking in how it affects musicians. The same people who claim to speak on behalf of artists, lobby to enshrine laws supposedly for the artists. He talks through the process of starting a band and how often these laws crop up forcing the next generation of musicians to spend a LOT of money to stay legal, or be criminalized. Staying legal means coughing up to maintain the status quo.

He ends with a brief comparison of how things can work under a Creative Commons license.

He forgot to mention the parallels with the Musicians Guild in Discworld by Terry Pratchett, who send the assassins in to deal with people who think they can play music without being paid members of the Guild.


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Comment #1 posted on 2010-12-15 13:22:27 by arfab


You made some really important points here.
I would just like to add that IMHO, in an ideal world where music is all creative commons to some degree or another, the likelihood is that there would be an increase in attendance at live gigs because there you could see an artist give a unique performance of their work. More importantly it would mean that in order to obtain popularity and artist would actually need to be good at what they do, so the quality of popular music in general would go up, maybe at the cost of the typical manufactured group that are marketed for their looks rather than their talent as musicians.

On a side note, if there was greater demand for live musicians with high quality backing bands then I'd be making a mint!! :)

Comment #2 posted on 2010-12-15 20:25:43 by klaatu


i agree with arfab's comment; cc music would absolutely increase attendance. I'd LOVE to hear some of my favourite bands covering songs by other bands. Heck there are songs that I really like and just can't listen to because I hate the way its author performs them. So, yeah, sharing would be great. But alas, until CC dominates, this will not happen.

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