hpr0465 :: Failsafe security
Tips on securing your Linux systems, see Episode 431
Hosted by Ken Fallon on Wednesday, 2009-10-14 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
security, netstat, hosts file, iptables, Firefox, noscript.
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Duration: 00:16:11
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WARNING: It's easy to lock yourself out of a system implementing these changes so make sure you have physical access to the console of the system you are securing.
To display all processes listening
netstat -anp | grep -i listen
Deny all connections to any port from any external IP address
sshd: # My other pc
IPTables Tutorial: https://iptables-tutorial.frozentux.net/
A good starting point to block all except ssh: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-4-block-all-incoming-traffic-but-allow-ssh.html
Disable root login via ssh: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/linux/security-tip-disable-root-ssh-login-on-linux/
Setting up ssh keys and disabling password logins.