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hpr0274 :: TiddlyWiki

Thistleweb review TiddlyWiki

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Hosted by Thistleweb on Friday, 2009-01-16 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
wiki, self-contained, java script, css. (Be the first).

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Duration: 00:20:57
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Show Notes & Running Order (More Or Less)

What it is / what it's not
What people expect a wiki to be
	Server based
	Database storage
	Multiple users
	Revision control
Where TiddlyWiki is best suited
	Start a new clean wiki each month / year and tar.gz the previous one to be archived
	Personal wiki you can take with you on a thumbdrive
	A scratch pad for ideas on a project, ideal to zip and send to a client
JavaScript & CSS
Platform Neutral
	Gecko based
	Opera etc require additional TiddlySaver.jar file
GTD Variants (b3cubed)
Alternates (didiwiki, woas)
No install needed
	Installing plugins
	Blackicity theme from
	Installing themes - Importing themes
	Installing themes - Empty file, importing tiddlers
No passwords, encryption or theme switching by default
A wiki for each project
	Separate folders for each TiddlyWiki
	Backups created by default
	Rename your empty-tiddlywiki.html file anything you want
	Some config info kept in cookies
Syncing with a version of TiddlyWiki on a different PC
Free TiddlyWiki hosting at, can be private
Every wiki uses it's own syntax
Why I needed something like TiddlyWiki
DidiWiki requires a port opened to work

The main project site
The official wiki
Themes for TiddlyWiki
Guides for TiddlyWiki
A free hosted TiddlyWiki site.
DCubed GTD TiddlyWiki
Monkey GTD TiddlyWiki


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