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hpr0070 :: Dr. Who

The origins and background of the series 'Doctor Who' from the BBC

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Hosted by Xoke on Monday, 2008-04-07 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
Dr Who, TARDIS, sci-fi, BBC, television. (Be the first).

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:17:11
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Official Sites:

Official Site
BBC You Tube page (other non-Who stuff here also)

Various You Tube VIdeos:
Series 4 Trailer.  Although the BBC have this you can't watch it outside the UK.  This one you can.

Some of my favourite episodes (links to Wiki page for full story and spoilers):

The Tomb of the Cybermen
The Terror of the Autons - The Master (Roger Delgado) and some Autons!
Day of the DaleksSilver Nemesis
The Sea Devils - The Master again (and some Sea Devils)
The Three Doctors - Meet Omega, a Time Lord.
Death to the Daleks
Planet of the Spiders - Spiders, Time Lords, UNIT and more!
Genesis of the Daleks - where it all began
Revenge of the Cybermen
Pyramids of Mars
The Brain of Morbius
The Deadly Assassin - a trip to Gallifrey
The Robots of Death
The Invasion of Time - back to Gallifrey
The Key to Time - and entire season devoted to this
Destiny of the Daleks
Logopolis - the last Tom Baker episode
Castrovalva - The first Peter Davison and the Master
Four to Doomsday
Earthshock - Cybermen!
Arc of Infinity
The Five Doctors - (well actually four of them)
Resurrection of the Daleks
The Caves of Androzani - Peter Davison -> Colin Baker
Attack of the Cybermen
Revelation of the Daleks
Remembrance of the Daleks
Silver Nemesis

New series are all good!

Tie-in websites

Go watch it now!


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