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hpr0021 :: The Festival Speech Synthesis System

Intro to festival text-to-speech, related tools; synthesized voices; peek into host's personal life.

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Hosted by Dave Yates on Monday, 2008-01-28 is flagged as Explicit and is released under a CC-BY-NC-SA license.
festival, speech generation, text to speech, synthesized voices. 1.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format. Play now:

Duration: 00:30:14
Download the transcription and subtitles.


Dave Yates, and his co-host Lynn, demonstrate the voice synthesis package, Festival. Dave, discusses how he employs Festival, along with other packages to extend its capabilities. Lynn, clears-up a few of the finer points, for Dave.

Howto use alsa output;
HMM-based Speech Synthesis System (HTS) - Release Archive or where to get CMU_US_SLT_ARTIC_HTS voice for festival ver 1.4.3;
Online voice demos;
Yet another online voice demo site;
Linux Gazette article on festival;
Hackosis festival article;
Festival ver 1.4.3 manual;
Article with info on how to change default voice;
Perlbox Voice is an voice enabled application to bring your desktop under your command;
Mini linux tts howto; an older document with some still useful information;
How to Make Your Instant Messenger Talk in Ubuntu Linux;
Another good festival article;
Gentoo forum:Festival tips: more understandable and books to audiobooks;
Festtival MBROLA info; and
MBROLA binary and voices

Shownotes by diggsit


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Comment #1 posted on 2011-10-16 16:36:01 by Ken Fallon

Found it !!!

After months of trawling through old episodes of for Daves howto on festival. I found it here in our own back yard

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