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In-Depth Series: Today I Learnt

  • Number of episodes: 8
  • Open/closed: open
  • Date of earliest show: 2023-12-05
  • Date of latest show: 2024-09-09
  • Series RSS feeds: ogg, spx, mp3
A series where hosts speak about recent discoveries they have made which they consider might be of interest to the HPR Community.

hpr4201 :: Today I learnt (2024-08-23) hosted by Dave Morriss

Monday, 2024-09-09. 00:21:41. Explicit.
TIL, date, paste.

Some random technical items this time

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4178 :: Today I learnt (2024-07-27) hosted by Dave Morriss

Wednesday, 2024-08-07. 00:07:41. Explicit.
Galactic plane, Galactic year, extinction, millilitre, Meibomium glands.

A few more things I learnt recently

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4048 :: Today I learnt: Ship’s Bells hosted by Trey

Wednesday, 2024-02-07. 00:06:40. Clean.
ships bells, time, naval, clocks, timekeeping.

A brief history and description of ship's bells for timekeeping

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4033 :: Using playerctl to control media players hosted by Ken Fallon

Wednesday, 2024-01-17. 00:05:51. Clean.
playerctl, mpris, lxqt.

Ken maps some playerctl commands to keyboard shortcuts in lxqt

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4027 :: Today I learnt (2023-12-18) hosted by Dave Morriss

Tuesday, 2024-01-09. 00:10:20. Explicit.
human physiology, hemoglobin, Sickle Cell Disease, fetus, Perl.

Three random things I discovered in the recent past

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4016 :: Today I learnt hosted by MrX

Monday, 2023-12-25. 00:07:01. Explicit.
cli, pdf.

Today I learnt how to remove a password from a pdf file

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4004 :: Wayland to X11 bridge hosted by Ken Fallon

Thursday, 2023-12-07. 00:04:45. Clean.
TodayILearned, xprop, XwaylandVideoBridge.

Ken found out about x prop and x wayland video bridge

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4002 :: Today I learnt - 2023-11-24 hosted by Dave Morriss

Tuesday, 2023-12-05. 00:07:57. Explicit.
learning, learned, learnt, TIL, English, French, phonetics, IPA, tirelire.

Some odds and ends I learnt today

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.