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In-Depth Series: Model Hacking

  • Number of episodes: 7
  • Open/closed: open
  • Date of earliest show: 2018-07-04
  • Date of latest show: 2020-08-10
  • Series RSS feeds: ogg, spx, mp3
Creating, restoring, painting all sorts of models from RPG characters to model cars.

hpr3136 :: Matchbox Restoration Part 6 hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Monday, 2020-08-10. 00:04:46. Clean.
Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, Reassembly of the model.

Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, Reassembly of the model

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3124 :: Matchbox Restoration Part 5 hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Thursday, 2020-07-23. 00:05:10. Clean.
Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, painting, Rattle cans, Air brushing, Plastic polishing.

In this the 5th in the series Tony discusses the painting process on the castings of the MK10 Jaguar

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3109 :: Matchbox Restoration Part 4 hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Thursday, 2020-07-02. 00:04:37. Clean.
Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, paint removal, caustic soda, paint stripper.

In this the 4th in the series Tony discusses paint removal on the castings of the MK10 Jaguars

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3098 :: Matchbox Restoration Part 3 hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Wednesday, 2020-06-17. 00:03:11. Clean.
Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, dismantling the model.

In this the 3rd in the series Tony discusses dismantling the castings of the MK10 Jaguar

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3088 :: Matchbox Restoration Part 2 hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Wednesday, 2020-06-03. 00:05:07. Clean.
Matchbox Cars, Diecast Models, Restoration, Tools and materials..

Second episode discussing restoring Matchbox diecast models Tony talks tools and materials needed

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3073 :: Matchbox and Diecast Restoration hosted by Tony Hughes AKA TonyH1212

Wednesday, 2020-05-13. 00:03:02. Clean.
Matchbox, Diecast Models, Restoration.

A short episode about my New hobby restoring Matchbox and other Diecast models

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2588 :: Miniature painting hosted by Tuula

Wednesday, 2018-07-04. 00:29:00. Clean.
miniatures painting.

Tuula rambles about how to paint miniatures while painting some toy soldiers

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.