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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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Dave Hingley

Thumbnail of Dave Hingley
: 430
Comic book artist using primarily open source and free resources to make comics.


hpr4228 :: Auditing Audio Files For Youtube

Wednesday, 2024-10-16. 00:04:04. Clean. A Little Bit of Python.
Audio, Video, Youtube, Abraham Wald, Operational Research.

I detail a technique to ensure all music used on my Youtube channel is free from copyright claims

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4103 :: What's in my bag?

Wednesday, 2024-04-24. 00:05:17. Clean. What's in My Toolkit.
Bag, drawing, comics, toolkit.

An examination of the bag I use when out on the road

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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