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: 425

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hpr4204 :: LibreOffice Importing External Data

Thursday, 2024-09-12. 00:02:44. Clean. LibreOffice.
External_Links, LibreOffice_Calc.

It's how to use the normal menu items to make online tabular data easier to use.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr4184 :: Use GKRellM, wget and ImageMagick for a live slideshow

Thursday, 2024-08-15. 00:09:37. Clean. general.
gkrellm, ImageMagick, linux, CommandLine, bash.

GKRellm can show live thumbnails. This script gets fresh data and types text on the images.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3959 :: Download any HPR series with english file names

Thursday, 2023-10-05. 00:02:45. Explicit. Bash Scripting.
Bash, sed, grep, wget, scraper.

A dir with the series name will be created and all shows will be renamed to ShowTitle.mp3 inside it

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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