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Hacker Public Radio

Your ideas, projects, opinions - podcasted.

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: 410


hpr3926 :: Karate Do: An Overview

Monday, 2023-08-21. 00:45:06. Clean. general.
karate, martial arts, sports.

Hipernike talks about Karate, its meaning and some of the things he has learnt

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3669 :: My First Podcast: My Journey into the Computer World

Thursday, 2022-08-25. 00:20:07. Clean. How I got into tech.
linux, programming, cibersecurity, robotics, hardware.

How I was introduced into computers, Linux, robotics, programming, cibersecurity and more...

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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