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Thumbnail of mattkingusa
: 340

Hi im matt king. I produce music on linux and i try and code wesites. :)


hpr2319 :: Minimal Music Site 17.05.39 now available on

Thursday, 2017-06-22. 00:30:09. Explicit. general.
review, laptop, php, cms, music.

MattKingUSA review of dell gaming laptop and an update on Minimal Music Site

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2098 :: Minimal Music Site?

Wednesday, 2016-08-17. 00:12:48. Explicit. general.
music, sourceforge, PHP, CSS3, mandrake, ardour.

Matt King discussing the availability of an open source multimedia focused website.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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