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Nacho Jordi

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: 323


hpr2118 :: What is App Inventor?

Wednesday, 2016-09-14. 00:17:52. Clean. general.
Android, Programming, Apps, Free apps, Online services, Programming languages.

An overview of the online free Android app creator

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hpr2104 :: Basic Audio Production: Reverb

Thursday, 2016-08-25. 00:24:11. Clean. general.
Music, Audio, Audio Production, Sound, Compression, Recording techniques, Reverb.

A very basic description of the reverb effect

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hpr2082 :: Basic Audio Production - Equalization

Tuesday, 2016-07-26. 00:18:46. Explicit. general.
Music, Audio, Production, Recording, DAW, Audio Production, Sound, DIY, Equalization.

The basics of one of the most fundamental audio production techniques

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hpr2006 :: Basic Audio Production - Compression

Monday, 2016-04-11. 00:32:07. Explicit. Podcasting HowTo.
Audio, Compression, Ardour, Audacity, Podcasts, Recording.

Yet another explanation of sound compression in a DAW

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hpr1996 :: Xdotool magic

Monday, 2016-03-28. 00:18:02. Clean. Lightweight Apps.
Xdotool, Automation, Productivity, File naming, Time stamps.

Overview and a few usage possibilities of the Xdotool program

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1993 :: Can your window manager do this?

Wednesday, 2016-03-23. 00:33:42. Clean. general.
Ratpoison, Window Manager, Puppy Linux, customization.

Where I show off my Ratpoison configurations

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1990 :: Pomodoro Timer - The Evolution of a Script part deux

Friday, 2016-03-18. 00:28:54. Clean. Bash Scripting.
Productivity, Bash basics, Programming design, Pomodoro, Timer, loops, sleep.

Further evolutions of a pomodoro script that got a life of its own

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hpr1987 :: Pomodoro Timer - The Evolution of a Script (pt 1)

Tuesday, 2016-03-15. 00:22:07. Clean. Bash Scripting.
Productivity, Bash basics, Programming design, Pomodoro, Timer, loops, sleep.

The different stages of a bash script that was created accidentally

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1982 :: Whats in my virtual bag

Tuesday, 2016-03-08. 00:28:30. Explicit. What's in My Toolkit.
Basic setup, Linux, Power user, Vim, Ratpoison, Sakura, Puppy Linux.

The usual programs I use everyday in my system

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1967 :: How I saw the Linux Light at the end of the Windows tunnel

Tuesday, 2016-02-16. 00:14:19. Clean. How I got into tech.
Linux, Beginners, Computing history, Gaming.

My personal story of discovery of Linux

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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