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Hacker Public Radio

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Eric Duhamel

Thumbnail of Eric Duhamel
: 317

I'm a 30-something programming/computer hobbyist in Southern California.
See more on my webpage and follow me on


hpr2262 :: Abstracting Nurse Jesus

Tuesday, 2017-04-04. 00:05:24. Clean. general.
video games, programming, object-oriented, game development, abstraction.

how I abstracted random number generation for more syntactic sugar

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2256 :: Modular Game Scaling

Monday, 2017-03-27. 00:04:37. Clean. general.
video games, programming, object-oriented, game development, design patterns.

how I allowed more display resolutions in a modular game design

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1896 :: User Local Software

Monday, 2015-11-09. 00:04:11. Clean. general.
linux, gnulinux, freesoftware, sourcecode.

Eric describes a technique for organizing and working on user-installed source code and binaries

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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