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: 309

Everyday GNU/Linux-user, german-speaking, living in northern Europe.


hpr4319 :: Am Rande - on the edge

Thursday, 2025-02-20. 00:04:01. Clean. Science Fiction and Fantasy.
SF, SiFi, ScienceFiction, German, 1970s.

On a science fiction book from Eastern Germay from the 1970s

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hpr3932 :: Short introduction to inxi

Tuesday, 2023-08-29. 00:07:17. Clean. What's in My Toolkit.
shell, inxi, forum.

folky gives the show about inxi that Ken wished for

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3905 :: Presenting Fred Black

Friday, 2023-07-21. 00:18:25. Clean. general.
school, podcasts, instrument, quiz.

I have a short talk to present Fred Black.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr3557 :: A short story about Lenovo and laptop batteries

Tuesday, 2022-03-22. 00:09:40. Clean. general.
lenovo, batteries, BIOS, customer service.

How Lenovo is spicing up the life of their user with strange challenges

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hpr2853 :: Feeding the beast

Wednesday, 2019-07-10. 00:07:04. Clean. general.
bankid, swish, cash, payment, digitalization, sweden.

How the swedes are killing their hardcash and feeding the beast

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2644 :: Error on show 2642

Thursday, 2018-09-20. 00:00:59. Clean. Podcast recommendations.
podcast, swedish, correction.

Error error

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hpr2642 :: My swedish and german Podcasts Part 2

Tuesday, 2018-09-18. 00:05:18. Explicit. Podcast recommendations.
podcast, swedish, german, ccc.

I talk about 6 more podcasts in swedish and german. This time no radio network involved.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr2576 :: My swedish and german podcasts part 1

Monday, 2018-06-18. 00:05:35. Clean. Podcast recommendations.
podcasts, swedish, german, language, media, europe.

I'm recommending 6 podcasts in swedish and german

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1992 :: How I'm handling my podcast-subscriptions and -listening

Tuesday, 2016-03-22. 00:08:17. Explicit. general.
podcasts, tools, listening, podget.

I'm describing my workflow from receiving the files to listen to them.

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

hpr1841 :: My way into Linux

Monday, 2015-08-24. 00:09:36. Explicit. How I got into tech.
espeak, East Germany, punched cards, Commodore 64, Atari Mega ST, Macintosh, iMAC, MAC OS, LaTex, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, Bodhi, ArchBang.

From punch cards to Manjaro

Listen in ogg, opus, or mp3 format.

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